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Returns a tibble with various resume-based metrics through Selection Sunday. Data runs from 2008-present.


  n = 500,
  min_year = 2008,
  max_year = 2024,
  min_net = NULL,
  max_net = NULL,
  conf_group = NULL



Number of teams to return (defaults to 500).


Minimum year to pull (YYYY).


Maximum year to pull (YYYY).


Minimum NET to filter.


Maximum NET to filter.


Filter by conference or conference groups (accepts any conference abbreviation, 'NCAA', 'Himajor', or 'mid').


Returns a tibble with resume-based metrics.


try(cbd_torvik_resume_database(min_net = 1, max_net = 5))
#> # A tibble: 77 × 15
#>    team  year  net   resume wab   elo   power q1_w  q2_w  q3q4_l games_above_500
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>            <int>
#>  1 Kans… 2016  1     1      1     1     1     15    20    1                   25
#>  2 Mich… 2012  3     1      4     5     3     11    14    0                   20
#>  3 Kans… 2014  3     1      11    18    5     12    17    0                   15
#>  4 Kans… 2010  1     1      1     1     1     12    16    0                   30
#>  5 Duke  2019  3     1      1     2     2.3   11    17    0                   24
#>  6 Kans… 2015  3     1      7     12    12    12    18    0                   18
#>  7 Illi… 2021  3     1      1     2     3.3   12    17    0                   17
#>  8 Virg… 2018  1     1      1     1     1.7   12    19    0                   29
#>  9 Kans… 2013  5     1      5     4     6     13    15    1                   24
#> 10 UCLA  2008  4     1      2     2     2     11    20    1                   27
#> # ℹ 67 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: score <chr>, seed <chr>, type <chr>, rd <chr>